About Ida


"When I look into the eyes of an animal, I do not see an animal. I see a living being. I see a friend. I feel a soul.”

I wish I could put my name to this popular quote by Anthony Douglas Williams. I can’t. Yet it perfectly describes what I too feel in the presence of animals and wish to achieve in my portraits of them : Not just to render an accurate physical likeness but to convey that animal’s unique personality, its essence, its soul.

My portraits tell a story. They often include elements that reflect your pet’s unique individuality, such as a beloved location, a favorite bed or toy, a special theme. You provide the details and I will do the rest.

For many years my body of work has consisted of large charcoal drawings and collaged landscapes. Collages and mixed media seem to me the most natural way to assemble my vision, taking disparate pieces of observation and personal meaning and putting them in a context that resonates for me. You can see some of it here: www.karibouco.com

I graduated from Mills College with a Fine Arts degree in 1981 and earned another degree in Illustration from the Academy of Arts College in San Francisco in 1983. Since then I have been fortunate enough to have lived and exhibited nationally and internationally, with work in private and public collections, including the National Museum for Women in the Arts in Washington D.C.